Prices are not posted because I sell "original" and reproduction printed manuals worldwide by postal service and PDFs I scan from these manuals which I provide via eMail and downloads from the website. You can request pricing for a manual or series of manuals by contacting me through one of the eMail links on each manual page.


OWNER = The manual that comes with the unit - tells you how to use it. Sometimes called user or instructions
SERVICE = used by technicians to repair the unit
OWNER SERVICE = Sometimes manufacturers provide the OWNERS manual with the SERVICE manual
SCHEMATIC = Only the schematic for the unit
SCHEMATIC BOARD = Includes the SCHEMATIC and the Printed Circuit BOARD layouts
BULLETIN = Issued by the manufacturer to cover a problem or note a change
CHANGE = The unit's been modified or a unit derived from another model
SALES = Brochure or other advertising media

eMail Norman

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Model #Descriptiontype
Mark IIIPower Amplifierassembly
PAS-2X & PAS-3XPreamplifierassembly
Stereo 35Power Amplifierassembly
Stereo 120Power Amplifierassembly
Stereo 120Power AmplifierTIP modification
Stereo 120APower Amplifierassembly

A-40XL Loudspeaker Sales Sheet
FM-1 FM Tuner Assembly, Alignment & Operation manual
FM-5 FM Tuner Assembly & Operation, engineering change & Dolby B board announcement
FM-5/A Assembled Tuner Instruction Service manual
FM-3 Stereomatic Multiples Tuner Assembly, Alignment & Operation manual
FMX-3 Multiplex unit Assembly, Alignment & Operation manual
PAS-2 Preamplifier Assembly Instructions
PAT-4 Preamplifier Assembly & Operation manual
Stereo 70 Power Amplifier Assembly & Operation Manual
Stereo 80 Power Amplifier Assembly & Operation Manual
Stereo 150 Power Amplifier Assembly & Operation Manual
Stereo 400 Power Amplifier Assembly & Operation Manual plus some updates
Stereo 410 Power Amplifier Preliminary information sheet